Enneagram Transcendant


The Enneagram of Spiritual Awakening
with Frank De Luca, Ph.D.

Knowing about our personalities is only the beginning of the journey. There is much more. Ultimately, the Enneagram is not a personality system. It is a tool for spiritual awakening.
Once you have awakened to your personality pattern, you can learn to transform the “vicious cycle” of your personality type into a “virtuous cycle,” leading to freedom and ultimately to transcendence. Using the teachings of the Nine Virtues, you will learn how to use the personality as a vehicle for reconnecting with your essential nature. In this all-day E-Lab, we will use a three-step process:

Please join me in this dynamic day of exploration and transcendence. This will be my last regularly scheduled Enneagram workshop in Carmel.

Saturday, September 15th  •  9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Community Church
4590 Carmel Valley Road
Carmel, CA


Cost: $140

Click here to register on PayPal

Or contact Program Coordinator Sue Unser at sue@arichlife.com or call 559-359-9494.

Checks are payable to: Frank DeLuca • P.O. Box 1416 • Jacksonville, OR 97530

E-Labs are designed to give you hands-on experience of how the information of the Enneagram operates in your life. Whether you are new to the Enneagram or a long-time student, the wisdom of these teachings emerges slowly overtime if you know how to engage with them. Using the “one-room school house” approach, we learn from one another, no matter how inexperienced or knowledgeable you are about your personality type.
To learn more about the Enneagram, visit  arichlife.com/enneagram.
Please forward this email to anyone you think might be interested.